
Smoothie Making & Yoga for Parents and Carers

Yoga & SmoothieCome & Join Us!

It’s week three of Health Month at Riverbank and we have some great activities lined up this week and we would like to invite parents and carers to join us for two of this week’s events.

Firstly, on Thursday the children of Mrs Spry’s class would like to invite you to their Smoothie Making Demonstration. As someone who enjoys a Smoothie made by this class on a weekly basis, I would urge you to come along and find out how to make some most delicious and refreshing Smoothies. The children make Smoothies, in a variety of flavours, every Thursday and sell them to staff and pupils. They are very popular and healthy too!

If you are interested in finding out more and seeing the demo, then Upper Stages and their parents and carers can visit the dining hall at 9.45am on Thursday morning, 15 May. For our Early Stages pupils and parents, then you are booked in for 2.00pm…same venue, same date.

Please come along and support Riverbank’s Smoothie Makers and find out how you can make them too!.

Secondly, our in-house Yoga Teacher, Sandra Cook, has kindly offered a slot to parents and carers on the morning of Friday 16 May from 9.15am – 9.55am. So, if you’d like to learn how to chill out, relax and take some exercise at the same time, please come along and join Sandra on Friday morning. Don’t be embarrassed, there will be no children around to see you and Sandra will make it an enjoyable and not overly energetic session! Ideal for a stiffy like me!

We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible!