
Riverbank School Premieres Its Very Own Film!!

Pupils, Staff, Parents, Carers and Partners of Riverbank Enjoy Film Premiere

Our audience enjoy watching the film on a BIG screen!

Friday 27 June 2014 was a day to remember if you have any connections with Riverbank School. At the suggestion of the school’s RRSA steering group, a film was commissioned to celebrate Riverbank’s success in winning the CYPS Award – School Award in October 2013.

Riverbank was nominated for this prestigious award for the following reasons, ‘….the school undertook a great deal of work in establishing a positive ethos for learning based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. By adopting a rights-based approach, the school and its community ensured that adults were clear in their responsibilities as duty-bearers, and in this way the needs of all children were put at the heart of all of the work of the school.

Some of our invited guests.

The young people also developed a deeper understanding of their rights and in so doing were encouraged to set high standards in their work and in their behaviour towards one another. In a school inspection report, inspectors recognised that the children have an awareness of environmental issues, the rights of the child and the importance of following a healthy lifestyle.’

The film was produced with the help of SHMU and our director, Ryan MacFarlane, a lecturer at North East Scotland College. The pupils were involved in deciding what was filmed and many of them participated in the film by explaining the school and class charters which are linked to the UNCRC. Others were interviewed explaining what they enjoyed about Riverbank and several staff members spoke of the charters, the UNCRC, the Hub, the Rainbow Garden and other important features which help provide such a positive ethos at Riverbank. Some of the outside agencies which contribute to activities, including AFC’s club captain, Russell Anderson,  also appeared in the film, outlining their contribution to the health and well being of the pupils at Riverbank and spoke generously of the ethos and welcoming atmosphere at the school.

Another scene from the Riverbank Film.

Mrs Sunley, as the RRSA steering group coordinator, introduced the film to the school community and explained that it was unscripted and that the audience shouldn’t expect to see the academic side of the school but the building blocks of learning. Without children feeling safe, comfortable and health, learning would be limited.

The pupils and staff saw the film first at a 9.30am. showing and the parents, carers, invited guests and school partners saw the second showing at 10.30am. Guests were able to sample some cake, strawberries and light refreshments before sitting down to enjoy the film.

Following the viewing, the audience feedback was extremely positive and many of our invited guests left with a far greater understanding of the many ways we, at Riverbank, help our pupils to grow in confidence, understand their rights and responsibilities, care for each other and generally be responsible citizens as well as being proud of their school.

The very positive ethos at Riverbank, as clearly seen in the film, is generated by the dedicated teamwork of the whole school community. Well done to everyone!

Mrs Macleod addresses the audience following their viewing.
