
Primary 2C Create Animal Fact Files

Two young ladies from Miss Arnott’s class display the Animal Factfile!

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…sorry I’m getting a bit carried away, I vaguely remembering studying animals, or to give it its proper title, zoology. I have always been interested in the animal kingdom and was delighted when I had some visitors who came to show me a booklet their class had put together.

The booklet was an animal factfile and Miss Arnott’s Primary 2C class had been participating in some factual writing. They had been studying hedgehogs and each member of the class had made a contribution to the fact file. There were many interesting facts for example did you know that hedgehogs will eat cat or dog food? The fact file submitted by each pupil had beautiful illustrations on it too.

This was a great way of completing some factual writing, finding out about an animal and, then, sharing our knowledge with others. So, if you happen to be down 2B way, why not drop in and have a read of their factfile.

Well done P2B! What a great effort.



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