
Achievement Awards Assemblies

Tuesday and Wednesday of this week saw the Achievement Awards Assemblies at Riverbanks. These are awards given to every pupil at Riverbank School. Class teachers make a personal comment about each child in their class. This comment is always a positive comment and is often not the type of comment you might find on a report card.

Also, at these assemblies, the nominees for the Tillydrone Vision Award and the Marlyn Grant Quaiche are announced. Each class teacher nominates a pupil for each award. The Tilly Vision Award recognises a pupil who has shown that he or she is a good citizen. This may be in school or in the community. The Marlyn Grant Quaiche is awarded to a pupil who has shown great academic progress. Each of the nominees receives a certificate and a book token and the overall winners will be presented with their awards at the Primary 7 Leavers’ Assembly on Friday morning, the last day of term.

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Most of the awards assemblies were held at St George’s Church and we would like to think the Rev Jim Weir and, his right hand man, Bill for making the church and its facilities available to us.

As always this event was well-supported by parents, carers and relatives who were there to support and encourage the pupils. Following each assembly, there was an opportunity for photographs to be taken before heading back to school.



Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.