
25th Birthday of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Happy Birthday UNCRC

Riverbank Celebrates the Rights of the Child

Thursday 20 September was Universal Children’s Day and Riverbank used this to celebrate the 25th Birthday of UNCRC. The school used this as an opportunity to revisit class charters, to think about their favourite rights, the rights of others and Global Citizenship. We were visited by Mr & Mrs Thomson who are involved in the charity FROM – Famine Relief for Orphans in Malawi. Their daughter works in Malawi with the orphans. They came to give us more information about the charity and the work they do. Our Busy Bees knitters handed over the blankets they have been knitting and were shown and told how they would be put to good use. We also celebrated the Global Citizenship Award which the Busy Bees won for Riverbank at the Children & Young People’s Services Awards. There was an open morning for parents to come in and learn about UNCRC and the children were engaged in fun activities linked to their favourite rights and helping others. Finally, no birthday celebration would be complete without birthday cake….and there was a piece for everyone.

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