
Riverbank Celebrates UNICEF’s Day for Change 2015

This Year’s Focus is Children Caught in Emergencies

Friday 6 February is UNICEF’s Day for Change 2015 and as a Rights Respecting School, Riverbank will be learning about children caught in emergencies as well as enjoying a number of activities whilst fundraising for Day for Change.

Day for Change Invitation
An invitation sent to some of Riverbank’s partners.

The focus this year is all about protecting children caught in emergencies, such as the recent Philippines typhoon and the Syria conflict. UNICEF has provided many resources for pupils of all ages. We have invited in agencies who protect us and try to raise public awareness of the plight of children in emergencies. We will have visitors from the Fire and Rescue Service, the RNLI and the BBC.

As well as our visitors, there will be the usual fundraising including face painting, a nail desk (yes, the ones on the ends of your fingers), a cake stall, raffles and much more.

While the children are participating in their events, parents are invited to participate in Riverbank’s Biggest Ever Coffee Morning where, for a donation, you can enjoy a cup of coffee…. or tea, a ‘fine piece’ and a game of Bingo. The coffee morning will be open for business from 9.00am-10.00am. Please come along and join in raising funds for children in emergencies.

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