Riverbank’s Titanic Sails On……………..!

I’m sure everyone who visits our website will be aware that the Primary 3 classes’ topic, this term, is The Titanic! The pupils have been enthralled with the work they have carried out round the theme of the famous, unsinkable ship which struck an iceberg and sank!
Many of the children have carried out their own research at home and come into school with some super resources and work they have undertaken at home. Some parents have also become involved in model making and sharing information they have about The Titanic. Needless to say, I am still having visitors to my office with models and written work that they wish to share with me. It is great to see the children so enthusiastic about their work and they can tell me so much about what they’ve learned!
The latest addition to my ‘gallery’ of Titanic exhibits came from a young gentleman in Mr Nicoll’s class. This exhibit was a Lego model which he had made at home. I’m sure you’ll agree that it looks great!
Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full….
Article 31 – Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.