
P6N Experience the Democratic Process!

A new session sees Riverbank seeking to form a new session Pupil Council. Like the adult world, this calls for the democratic process….an election is required.

Mrs Ng took this opportunity to do some children’s rights work with her class. The children learned all about the electoral/voting procedure.

Firstly, from the class a number of candidates stepped forward. The candidates sported their electoral rosettes. Next, each candidate had to set out their manifesto…what they would do to represent their class on the Pupil Council if they were elected. They explained why they thought they would make the best representative for their class. This opportunity to speak to the electorate is called the hustings.

Ballot papers were printed with the name of each candidate on the paper and a sealed ballot box was placed in the class for the voting papers to be collected. The registrar has responsibility for the polling station and has to make sure that the people who are voting are eligible to vote, that they appear on the electoral register. The registrar puts a line through the name of each voter as they vote to ensure that they can only vote once. At the close of voting, the polling officer collects the ballot boxes and delivers them to the returning officer, who breaks the seal on the ballot boxes and counts the votes. Following the count, the returning officer announces the result of the election. In the case of Mrs Ng’s class’ case, Miss Hampton was the returning officer and she visited the classroom and announced the successful candidate. 6N have an excellent rep in Charltte Massey.

What a lot the children learned from this experience and the children will have a VOICE in the day to day life of the school through the Pupil Council.

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I, too, have learned such a lot about the electoral process having heard all about it from some of our children and what a very practical way for our pupils to find out about the voting process. The understanding of the democratic process also covers at least four articles of the UNCRC. And, finally, I’m sure their Rep will do a great job for them on the Pupil Council.


Article 12 – Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.

Article 13 – Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.


Article 14 – Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

Article 28 – Every child has the right to an eduaction……