
Riverbank has a Visit from Aberdeen’s Imam

The pupils of the early stages and upper stages had two visitors, today, at their assemblies. Imam Ibrahim and Aftab Khan, who is the General Secretary from the AMIC – Aberdeen Muslim and Islamic Centre, attended our assemblies.

Imam Ibrahim’s position at the local mosque is similar to that of the Reverend Weir at St George’s Church.

Imam Ibrahim talked to the children about his job as Imam. We found out such a lot from him. There are three mosques in Aberdeen including one at the hospital. There are around 5000 muslims in Aberdeen and prayers are observed five times daily at the mosques. We also learned that there can be 5 million pilgrims praying at Mecca, the largest mosque in the world. That is an amazing statistic when you consider that Scotland has a population of 5 million! The Imam shared with us aspects of the Islamic faith and Aftab was on hand to support the Imam with information and photographs from the internet.

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Before leaving Riverbank to head back to the Mosque for lunctime prayers, Imam Ibrahim and Aftab left us three beautiful gifts. The gifts were lovely books which will help when the pupils are learning about Islam during religious education lessons.

We were all very interested in finding out about Islam and we hope that Imam Ibrahim will return to Riverbank in the future. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our two visitors for our lovely gifts.


Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education…..

Article 14 – Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights…..

Article 30 – Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family, regrdless of whether these are shared by the majority of the people in the country where you live.