
It’s No Fun..Sorry It Should Be….It’s Snow Fun!

Despite the fearsome weather we had last week a number of classes took the opportunity to participate in some outdoor learning activities.

Miss McLaren’s class carried out some mark making in the snow…I loved doing that as a child. Writing your name in the snow is like writing your name in the sand at the beach. The waves wash away your name in the sand and your name disappears from the snow as more snow falls or the snow melts.

The children had been tower building in the classroom and mark making with paint in polly pockets, so Miss McLaren thought it would be a good idea to transfer these skills outside.

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MIchelle, the early years practitioner in Primary1, even took snow inside and the children had great fun working with the snow in the classroom. I love the look of concentration and excitement on the faces of the children. It was interesting to see the texture of the snow and also what happened when the paint was added. Making marks in the snow…even footprints was also a grand experience. I’m sure we all remember the feeling of being the first to step in the snow where no-one else had been before. The feeling of the snow under your feet and the noise it makes as well are all great learning experiences for the children.



Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education…..