
A Second Trip Out to Encourage the Motorists to Heed the Speed Limit!

On our last trip out with the police, to encourage motorists to slow down, as the drive through Tillydrone, it was absolutely freezing. Our second trip out was just as cold but for a different reason….it was bucketing down and umbrellas were required!

Again, we situated ourselves on Hayton Road near the zebra crossing where the lollipop lady is sited. Our group should have consisted of four young ladies but one was unable to join us due to chicken pox. So, there were three pupils on duty.

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Six motorists were stopped and agreed to talk to the pupils. They were, mainly, embarrassed that they had been found to be going too fast. All said that they would be more aware in the future. In phase one of the initiative we stopped 13 motorists. So there was a big drop in those we found speeding today.

So just in case anyone thought to go too fast again, in the words of a Mr Schwarzenegger – ‘We’ll be back!’ Yes, another group of pupils will be out with some officers in the not too distant future.

We hope that our initiative will act as a deterrent to anyone who might think of driving too fast through Tillydrone. We want everyone to be safe! Remember, 20’s plenty!


Article 12 – Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.