Easter Assembly!

Due to a technical problem with a sliding door, the Reverend Weir asked if we could hold our end of term assembly at Riverbank and not at St George’s as we had arranged. Unfortunately, due to lack of space, we could not invite parents to join us.
Mr Weir led the assembly and some of our Primary 7 pupils told the Easter story in a number of readings.

Mr Weir announced that this was to be his last visit as minister as he was retiring. This was a real surprise to all at Riverbank as we were not aware that Jim’s retiral was imminent.
Bill had come along with Mr Weir and he caught us up with the latest news about the Easter trip to Uganda organised by the Tilly Vision Project. Mrs Macleod was heading off with the church to visit Kamuli Township School. We sent off some postcards with the travelling party. Every child had written a postcard to send to a child in Kamuli.
Additionally, Mrs Leith had managed to organise her knitters to make another blanket for a new baby. One of the Primary 6 pupils was on hand to show off the latest blanket. This blanket is a little different in that it will be a school blanket, and will be given to a member of staff who is leaving to have a baby, and who will return it when the baby has had its use of it and it will be ready to hand on to the next new baby.
Article 14 -Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect the rights of parents to give their children information about this right.
Article 29 -Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full……