
Egg Decorating in Primary 1M

I was invited along to Primary 1M where they had a competition in decorating eggs. I was asked to judge the competition. Judging is something I just don’t like doing as it is always so difficult to decide and I always feel so bad for those who have put in lots of effort but don’t win. There’s always another opportunity for the pupils to participate again. The standard of decoration was very good and as usual trying to choose a winner was rather tricky, it took some deliberation before I made my decision. However, from the attached photograph, you’ll see that no-one looked unhappy after the competition was judged.

A happy bunch of egg decorators.


Article 29 -Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full…..

Article 31 -Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.