Primary 3s Become Opera Buffs!

A few weeks back, our Primary 3s were given the opportunity to have an operatic experience, this was to be provided by Scottish Opera. We were invited to send the Primary 3s to an event at the Aberdeen University’s Hillhead Campus where they would find out all about opera. The pupils gave the thumbs up to this event.
The run up to this included the children being given information on what opera was all about.They even had to learn a song which was written in the operatic style and was set to a well known piece of classical / opera music. The words were very tricky to fit in but our bold threes did a grand job in learning the song before heading off to the opera.
They were amazed at what they found on their arrival. There was an orchestra as well as the opera singers. They were given information on how the opera is staged including the putting together of the wardrobe (that’s the costumes that the singers wear). There was lots to see and they could join in too.
I am rather fond of classical music and have visited the opera, myself, and I was disappointed that I had to remain in school and not be able to go with the children. I think it’s great that our young pupils are being given the chance to find out what opera is like at such a young age.
The staff who accompanied the children were very impressed with the event and agreed that this was a great learning experience for the children whereby they might never have been to the opera before and they might never have thought of going. And the smiley faces on the children who attended tells a story in itself and they were very chatty about the whole experience when they returned to school. A big thank you to the ACC department which gave us the opportunity to attend and to Scottish Opera for a fantastic learning experience for our Primary 3s.
Article 29 -Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.