
Soccer Aid is a Great Success!

Previously, we have raised funds for UNICEF linked to RRSA on Day for Change. This year, UNICEF decided there would be no Day for Change and that the fundraising would be linked to Soccer Aid. Soccer Aid was to take place on Sunday 10 June but as the Riverbank timetable was already rather full, it was decided to hold our Soccer Aid and Playground Challenge on Thursday 21 June.

Following discussion with the pupils, they decided that they would like to do their fundraising in a similar fashion to the year before. They decided to have stalls in the hall, manned by Primary 7s. For nail painting and face painting, the artists at work were to be the Primary 7s, too.

There was a raffle with all prizes being suitable for children, guess the teddy’s birthday, guess the number of sweeties in the jar, badge making, a cake stall and a 50p stall. I hope I’ve mentioned everything and that no-one’s offended if I’ve missed them out.

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Rob from Rads organised the Playground Challenge which everyone could take part in. There were certificates for the class from P1-3 and P4-7 who scored the most goals during the Playground Challenge. The challenge included football drills, like fast feet. as well as scoring a goal at the end of the drill. 2039 goals were scored with P5P scoring 240 goals and P3M scoring 235 goals and these were the two classes receiving the certificates.

The activities in the hall were a great success and I am full of admiration for the P7s who made a fantastic job of face painting and nail painting, too. A thank you to everyone who donated prizes and to one of our former pupils and his family who made 100 cup cakes to sell on the cake stall as well as our helpers on the badge making stall who must have had sore arms pulling the handle on the badge maker.

We were delighted to raise £377.44 during our pupil led fundraising which will be donated to UNICEF!


Article 15 – Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as the respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.