

Once again, you can help Riverbank raise money for school funds by, simply, getting rid of your unwanted goods.

P6P are taking charge of Bag2School event on Wednesday 5th December 2018. 

By getting involved in this scheme you are, not only, helping raise funds for the school but you are helping the environment by preventing items being sent to landfill. Remember the 3Rs – Reuse, Recycle & Reduce.

What can you put in your bag? – Unwanted clothing, hats, belts, purses, footwear (tied in pairs) and soft/stuffed toys.

If you fill the bag sent home from school, then you can fill any other bag and send it to school, too.

When you’ve packed your bags, bring them to Riverbank and leave them in the Bike Shed. The bags need to be dropped off no later than 9.00am.

The school receives £150 per ton of unwanted items.


Article 3 – The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all things that affect children.