
Our Latest Wider Achievers

As you all know, we, at Riverbank, love finding out about the achievements our pupils make out of school. Perhaps, we could tap into their hidden skills and talents.

I hope you’ll enjoy finding out about our latest wider achievers!

A bronze level gymnastics dance class achiever.

First up is a young lady from Primary 1. She came to show me a Bronze Award she had received for gymnastic dance class.

She told me that she really enjoyed doing forward rolls and cartwheels but her favourites were cartwheels.

Making new friends and having fun were other good reasons for her enjoying her gymnastics dance classes.

Well done and I hope we’ll see you achieving further awards in the not too distant future!

Our Muay Thai medal winner.

My second visitor was a young gentlemanĀ  from Primary 4 who told me about his hobby. He attends a Muay Thai club. This was a new one for me. “Muay Thai?” i said. “What’s that?”

He very quickly explained that it was a form of martial arts and that he enjoyed going to his Muay Thai class so that he learned more about self-defence. He had come to show me a medal he had been awarded for winning his first competitive bout. Two years for training and practice had been carried out before he was allowed to participate in a competitive bout.

Our medal winner attends the Aberdeen Combat Club for his Muay Thai class. He loves learning new skills and he told me he’s met a new group of friends through his attendance at Muay Thai. He felt that Muay Thhai was good for keeping him healthy, too, as he got lots of exercise at his training.

I was very impressed with his achievement and how maturely he spoke about his hobby. Well done, young sir and I hope you continue to make progress with his Muay Thai.

Our Cheerdance award holder.

My third visitor was a young lady from Primary 4 who has appeared on our Wider Achievement Wall previously.

She came to show me two trophies she had gained. The two awards were Cheerdance Award Intro and Cheerdance Award Intro 2. These awards are for progress in Cheerleading.

Our award winner is a member of Aberdeen Vixens Cheerleading Group. As member of this group our pupil participates in competitions and the group puts on cheerleading displays at shows.

Once again, like many of our Wider Achievers who are members of groups outside of school, she loves making new friends as well as testing herself in learning new routines.

Well done, and keep up the good work!



Article 28 – Everychild has the right to an education…..

Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full…..