

The 26th of March saw a second group of pupils from Riverbank go on Speedwatch Patrol with officers from Police Scotland.

The pupils interviewed members of the public who were found to be speeding on Hayton Road.

Although the situation around speeding has improved since we became involved in Speedwatch there are still too many drivers ignoring the flashing lights.

On the 26th of March 7 motorists were stopped and interviewed by our pupils. Of those 7, I am sad to say that, 6 of them were ladies! So come on ladies, lets do better the next time round! One of the questions the drivers are asked is, ‘ Do you know the speed limit on this stretch of road?’ Quite a number of the drivers didn’t know that the speed limit was 20mph and hadn’t seen the flashing lights!

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I’m sure everyone who lives and works in Tillydrone will be aware of the flashing lights, on Hayton Road, near the church and also just beyond the Dill Road junction. The speed limit on Hayton Road is 30mph however, when the lights are flashing, the speed limit drops to 20mph. The change of speed limit coincides with the times that the children are coming and going from school.

The times the lights should be operating are 8.20am – 9.15am, 11.55am – 1.35pm am and finally from 2.30pm – 3.55pm. The traffic management team are going to confirm the exact timings of the lights on Hayton Road as they do vary from school to school. We hope that people will take heed of these warning lights and keep their speed down and therefore keep our streets and children safer.


Article 12 – Every child has the right to have a say in all matters affecting them and to have their views taken seriously.