
End of Week 3 of Digital Learning

Following two weeks of rather strange Easter Holidays, Riverbank pupils and staff returned to work on Tuesday morning.

I think these holidays, just past, must have had the best weather we’ve had for years and yet we weren’t able to take full advantage of the situation. I hope that you were all able to get out for your daily lockdown exercise and take some advantage of the lovely weather.

Anyway, having started back on Tuesday, lots has happened.

A special mention goes to Mrs Ironside and all the parents who socially distanced and visited the school, briefly, to borrow some devices to ensure that, virtually, all of our pupils now have access to Google Classroom.

I would like to remind all our parents and carers that we need all of our pupils to join their Google Classroom each school day. There are quite precise instructions that we have to follow to ensure that our pupils are safe and well and are, hopefully, completing as much of the work that is set for them as possible. I am sure we can rely on all our parents and carers to support their children and the school to see that this happens. Regarding the attendance procedures, I have placed, below, a reminder about the attendance procedures.



Some of the feedback we’ve had from our parents and carers has been very helpful and many of you have said that Google Classroom has let you see exactly what your children are learning. We hope you will continue to give us feedback about the Google Classroom.

The teaching staff at Riverbank are working hard to try and make life as easy as possible for the pupils to complete and return their work but we are grateful for the help of the adults at home when, sometimes, a photograph has to be taken an uploaded to the virtual classrooms. If you are having difficulty, then don’t hesitate to contact the school on the e-mail addresses made available in the school newsletter and we’ll do our best to help you and the pupils.

On a lighter note, I have, once again, been impressed with the enthusiastic and conscientious manner the children have tackled their work in their virtual classrooms. I have attached a wee gallery of some of the work I have seen this week.

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Article 3 – The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all things that affect children.

Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must work to provide good quality health care …..

Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education.

Article 31 – Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.