Category Archives: News

Work Begins on our Vegetable Patch

The children have been working hard to dig up a big area of our nursery garden where we will start growing vegetables. We have seedlings in our little indoor greenhouse just now, staying cosy until the weather gets warmer and they are strong enough to go into the soil….

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates on our vegetables!!

Dual-Language Storytime


Around half of the children in the afternoon nursery session do not have English as their first language and are currently learning through their every day experiences in the nursery.

Once a week they are supported by Barbara Szumanska, who is our EAL teacher. This week we decided to have story-time in both English and Polish (the most common second language in the class). Mrs England read the story in English, while Barbara repeated the story in Polish.

The children listened intently and were delighted to share the same story in the two different languages!


We have a variety of dual language books in the nursery in Polish, Russian, Lithuanian and many more.

DSCF5706  What a lovely treat to share a story in our different languages! DSCF5708

Nursery Snack Diary

The children of Riverbank Nursery enjoy a healthy snack every day. They always have a varied selection of fruit and vegetables to choose from, as well as their main snack.

As part of our ‘Looking After Our Amazing Bodies’ topic, we decided to keep a food diary to show what we have been enjoying recently!

  • Wednesday 4th March: Angel Delight
  • Thursday 5th March: ‘Make Your Own’ mini-muffin pizza
  • Friday 6th March: Cereal (Multi-Grain Hoops or Rice Krispies)
  • Monday 9th March: Potato Wedges and Garlic Dip
  • Tuesday 10th March: Ravioli on Toast
  • Wednesday 11th March: Smiley Faces

As you can see, the children get a wide range of different healthy snacks! If you have any great snack ideas, please chat with a member of the team and we will try to include it in our menus!

Cooking with Mrs England

Every Thursday this children have fun in the kitchen cooking with Mrs England. They have made everything from cupcakes to macaroni cheese!

Through cooking the children are learning about where food comes from, measurement and numbers, they develop their talking and listening skills, and they get to try out new flavours and food.

Riverbank Nursery has been ‘Frozen’!

The children have been enjoying learning about the world of ‘Frozen’. They have been investigating ice and snow and how it melts. There has been some beautiful winter art to decorate our nursery walls, and we have also been learning about animals we would find in cold places!

Have a look at some of what we have been up to!


Wriggly Nativity

On Thursday 11th December, the children of Riverbank Nursery presented ‘A Wriggly Nativity’ to a packed audience of proud Mums, Dads, Grans, Grandas,  and brothers and sisters.

They were brilliant and performed all of their songs beautifully! Their teachers were very proud of them all.