
Miss Logan Heads Off to Uganda

Miss Logan Meets Lord Provost before visit to Uganda

LL and Provost
Miss Logan meets Lord Provost George Adam

Riverbank’s very own nursery teacher, Miss Logan, is joining a group of travellers from the Tilly Vision Project and they are going to Uganda to work with children over there.

Just before going, Miss Logan and other members of the Tilly Vision Project were invited to a reception where they met the Lord Provost George Adam, MSP Richard Baker, and Councillors Jenny Laing, Ross Grant and Willie Young, and talked about their upcoming trip to Uganda.

Miss Logan has packed her bag with lots of donations from pupils and staff to take with her and she aims to visit our twinned school in Bezallel. The donations range from clothing to pencils and paper. The children from P1-P7 all designed a badge of friendship which Miss Logan will take with her to distribute to our friends in Bezallel. How she’s going to get two bags of metal badges through the security scan at the airport, I don’t know. She has also packed a very special Riverbank blanket which was knitted by the Riverbank knitters under the eagle eye of Mrs Leith.

Finally, Miss Logan has promised to take lots of photographs and speak to the children about her experience when she comes back after the school holidays. We are all looking forward to hearing about her wonderful experiences.

Some of the Tilly Travellers from the Tilly Vision Project who are travelling to Uganda