Maths & Charters!

P6-7A, Mr O’Sullivan’s class, had a visitor this morning. I was just popping in to see some maths being done. The children were practising their addition skills; adding two digits to two digits, two digits to three digits and three digits to three digits. To help them, Mr O’Sullivan had introduced some tricky games in which they could practise their number skills. There was also an i-pad group which was using the i-pads to help speed up their mental arithmetic.
The class was a bustling hive of activity and I enjoyed helping out with the calculations….and I must download the bubble app when I get home. It was so good for practising my mental arithmetic!
In between sharing some time with the different groups, I was having a quick look around the classroom when I saw the most amazing class charter. I hadn’t seen it on the way in as it wasn’t on the wall facing me. The class had chosen the UNCRC Articles which most affect them and also included their own ‘articles’ for their charter. It was fantastic and I’ve added it to the photos I took in class.