Riverside? Pupils to Name Third Don Crossing!
Although we’re now on holidays, it seems we’re still making the news. I didn’t see it myself but I believe an item of STV’s local news, yesterday evening, indicated that the pupils from Riverside….we’ll excuse their mistake and assume they mean Riverbank… and Danestone schools will be given the opportunity to decide on the name of the bridge at the Third Don Crossing. The same story, with the same error in our name…how can they get us so wrong??!!…appeared in today’s edition of the Press and Journal and I believe the Evening Express, too. Presumably we’ll find out more after the holidays. The pupils will be presented with a list of suggested names from which they will have to choose their preferred one.
If you want to read more about this, then click on the link below.
We’ll be looking forward to creating a new name for the new bridge when we return.