
Happy Hallowe’en Discos!

Organised by Riverbank’s Parent Council, last night saw three Hallowe’en Discos for our pupils.

As the children arrived for all three of the discos, it was obvious that the costumes were amazing and very scary too! In fact, many of the children were so well disguised in their costumes and scary make up that I didn’t know who I was speaking to half the time! Yes, and before you say anything….it’s not old age!

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From 5pm to 6pm it was the turn of the Primary 1s and 2s to have their fun. There were lots of youngsters at this first disco and for our Primary 1s it would have been their first school disco.  After receiving their goody bag as the left, that then gave our Parent Council volunteers half an hour to do the turnaround before the Primary 3s and 4s arrived to enjoy their turn to disco. They played some party games, enjoyed dancing and then they, too, picked up their goody bag as they left. Again, our band of volunteers did a quick turnaround before the Primary 5s, 6s and 7s had their turn to enjoy some Hallowe’en fun. Communal dancing seemed to be a favourite, led by Mr Nicoll and Miss Bennett! The kids ran through their repertoire of The Time Warp, Macarena, Cha Cha Slide and Gangham Style as well as enjoying a couple of old favourite party games. Again, after collecting their goody bags the pupils headed off home at 9pm leaving some tidying up to be done before our helpers managed to leave for home, themselves.

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I hope all the children enjoyed themselves and a thank you to the parent council for organising the event and to all the helpers who were on hand to help support the children!

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Rights Respecting School New Logo Level 2



Article 31 – Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.