House Meetings
Riverbank School’s pupils and staff are all allocated to a House. The Houses were named by pupils and are Kings, St Machar, Hayton and Seaton. The Houses are all linked to areas of note in the Tillydrone area: Kings College, St Machar Cathedral, the area of Hayton and Seaton Park. In addition, the pupils chose the colours that would identify the Houses with Kings being yellow, St Machar purple, Hayton blue and Seaton red.
The Houses meet once every four to six weeks and it is an opportunity for the pupils from Primary 1 to Primary 7 to come together and carry out an activity. House Captains help to explain the tasks which have to be carried out at the meetings. The House Captains are chosen by members of the Management Team. The older pupils buddy up with a younger pupil so that the task can be completed by everyone. The most recent House Meeting had everyone making a drawing of themselves. These drawings will be used to update the House banners which hang in the corridor near the gym hall.
Other tasks have included the favourite…decorate an ice lolly stick in House colours to make a piece of art work. The pupils have also designed Christmas baubles linked to the rights of children as well as looking at the work of, the pop artist, Andy Warhol and making some lovely Easter banners.

Sports Day also sees the pupils compete in their Houses for points in the various events they participate in. The points are then tallied and the House with the greatest number of points are the winners of the Sports Cup.

During the course of the academic session, the pupils can gain House points for good work or completing task set by their teachers as well as meeting the House targets set by the House Captains or members of staff. Four to six week totals are kept and the winning House receives a House break which means that they have extra break time together. The grand total is announced in June with the winning House overall receiving a prize and the House Cup. The winning Houses, in the past,have received House time with Microfit and more recently they had a private showing of a film at the Belmont Cinema. The film viewed being chosen by the pupils. Sadly my House didn’t win so I didn’t get my visit to the cinema!
The pupils enjoy meeting up and the older pupils, in particular, work well with their younger peers. There is a lovely nurturing atmosphere at the House Meetings which is maintained by the House Captains and staff. I look forward to our next House meeting and the activity we have to carry out along with the fun and friends we have during those times!
Article 15 – Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.
Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full….
Article 31 – Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.