
P4N and The Chocolate Factory!

In my years as a teacher, I have gone on many educational visits with the classes I have taught. Some of the most interesting ones were a visit to a distillery and a fizzy drinks factory. The one outing I would have jumped at but never quite managed to arrange would have been a visit to a sweet or a chocolate factory….mmmmmmmmm! So you can guess how jealous I felt when I heard that Mr Nicoll’s class were going to visit Cocoa Ooze and I wasn’t invited!!!

Cocoa Ooze make luxury chocolates, right here, in Aberdeen. The Cocoa Ooze chocolatiers explained all about the craft of making chocolate and the children were able to make and decorate chocolate bars as well as try new flavours.

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The children learned that they had to pipe their names backwards for them to appear the right way round on the chocolate bar. The piping was hard work. Lots of tiring squeezing to get the chocolate to pipe out. The children had a great time… and I’ll bet a very yummy time too. What an experience for them all.


Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education…..

Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full…..