
Tidier Tilly!

At a recent assembly, Bill Mitchell came in to talk to us all about the latest initiative in the Tillydrone Community.

Tidier Tilly is an initiative which is exactly what it says. Bill would like the whole Tillydrone Community to become involved in keeping Tilly tidier. He spoke to the pupils about a Saturday tidy up event which was to be held on Saturday 10th February. The meeting point was to be St George’s Church. Bill had black bags, gloves, picker uppers and all sorts of equipment to help tidy up the local streets.

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The children and their families were invited to attend this join in event. I haven’t seen Bill to find out how the tidy up went but I think it was an excellent idea. The initiative was not just for one day and Bill was hoping that people would join in in trying to keep the community tidy. I have to say that a Tidy Tilly is a safer place for our children to play in and our Pupil Council and RRSA pupils have often commented about how upset they become when they see dog owners exercising their pets in the school playing field and grounds.

Dogs should NOT be exercised in the school grounds and dog owners should pick up their dog’s mess if need be. Some very nasty diseases can be picked up from dog fouling for example: whipworms, hookworms,roundworms,tapeworms, parvo, corona, giardiasis, salmonellosis, cryptosporidiosis and campylobacteriosis. No wonder our pupils get upset when they find dog faeces in the playing field. The janitor and cleaners, too, get upset as often the children don’t know that they have stood on the poo and it is dragged into the school and ends up on the carpets and flooring. This means that whole areas of the school have to be disinfected. So, if you’re walking your dog, please, be a responsible pet owner!

Riverbank will certainly be supporting the TIdier Tilly initiative and we hope you will too!



Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health……..and a clean environment……