
We’re On the Run Up to Christmas!

Riverbank is always a busy place to be but on the run up to Christmas it can become quite manic.

Around the school there is lots of practising for the various concerts going on. Christmas card making, calendar making and decoration activities all add to the buzz around school.

We have some beautifully decorated classrooms and each class was asked to decorate their classroom door. Classes in the modular units were given a door in the main building to decorate. We had some fantastic designs.

Outfits/costumes for the concerts were beginning to appear and the children were doing lots of singing and poetry recitals in preparation for the big performances.

The pictures above show three classes at a rehearsal for their Christmas Concert.

Christmas really is a busy time at Riverbank.


Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures.