
Sharing Assemblies

The termly sharing assemblies were spread over a number of weeks. This allows parents and pupils to be able to enjoy the assembly in comfort.

We started off on the week before the October holidays and carried on for three weeks into the Christmas Term.

The classes shared their learning with their parents, carers and peers. It was very pleasing to see just how much the children have worked on since returning to school in August. The range of curricular areas covered was very broad and it was great to see examples of their work whether it was displayed in the hall or as part of a PowerPoint slideshow.

I have included some photographs of some of the sharing assemblies and apologise for not having been able to visit them all.


It was great to see so many parents taking the opportunity to come into school and see what’s been going on in class.

Thank you all for your support of your children and Riverbank School.


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