
End of Week 2 of Digital Learning

Friday marked the end of the second week of the Riverbank Community working from home. From what I’ve heard and seen it has been a busy, often frustrating and challenging time for us all, in more ways than one, but there have been lots of exciting new experiences for us all, too!

All pupils and staff have been learning lots about the digital technologies which we have been using, together, to continue the learning of our pupils.

There has been an increase in the number of Google Hangouts/Meets throughout the school community. These Hangouts provide opportunities for the pupils to video conference with their teachers and classmates. These have been really popular with the pupils.

The work provided by the teachers in Google Classroom is aimed at the individual pupils and should be work the children have already had experience of. If anyone has had difficulties, they have been able to communicate this to their teacher and get some help. In addition, some folks have found it difficult to get online or send work back to the teachers. Mrs Ironside has been on hand to help out in some more difficult cases. E-mail addresses for various staff members can be found on the last newsletter sent out by the school and a copy of that newsletter can be found on this website under the tab of Newsletter.

Some of the work that has been produced in the Classrooms has been quite inspiring. The children have embraced this new way of receiving their education and their teachers are busying themselves to find the best ways of keeping up that engagement. We can’t forget, either, the support that parents and carers are providing for their youngsters in ensuring that they login every day and try to support them as they engage in their learning. This really is a Team Riverbank effort!

As I complete this article, we are embarking on the strangest holidays I’ve ever had and I’m certain it will be the strangest holidays that all of us have ever had! The Children’s Commissioner for Scotland has released a package to inform our youngsters with the facts about Covid19 and I have attached a link for this for you below.

2020 04 02 covid19 childrens-guide-to-coronavirus

Finally, I have pulled together a few items which have been sent to the Teachers’ Google Classroom.. I thought you wold like to see them and I’ll add further examples as I receive them. We are so proud of the hard work and ingenuity being displayed by all of our pupils during these difficult times.

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And finally, from Mr Flanagan’s P2F class a fantastic stop motion video from one of his P2 pupils entitiled Cps & Robbers!

During the two weeks holidays, while the Google Classrooms are closed….Stay Inside, Stay Safe and we will resume our digital learning on Tuesday 21st April.


Article 3 – The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all things that affect children.

Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must work to provide good quality health care …..

Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education.

Article 31 – Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.