
End of Week 8 of Digital Learning

Yes, yes, I know, I know…’s way past the end of week 8 of digital learning, however I have had digital connectivity problems since Saturday morning and have only just managed to get back online. I already have lots of material for this weekend’s up date but to be fair to our hardworking pupils, teachers and support staff, I’ll try and remember what we have from last week.

Mrs Ironside has been doing her best to keep everyone up-to-date with what we know about schools returning. Things will be very different to what we were used to before the lockdown. We don’t have a final picture of what will happen, yet; things are being updated and changing all the time. Keep your eye out for information from our head teacher as she will pass things on as we receive them.

Once again, I have a great variety of different pieces of work to share with you.

Mr Duarte’s Primary 3D Class

Mr Duarte’s class were carrying out topic work on endangered animals. I have some great work to show you. I can show some work as images but other pieces of work were rather large and need to be uploaded as files. Just click on the links if you need to.

Mr Duarte’s class also gave us some literacy work, too. These pieces of work were photographed and sent back to Mr Duarte.

Next we have the Fact Files on Endangered Animals.

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Marcel and Emil carried out some splendid work on the Polar Bear and the Narwhal respectively. I have sent their work up as files. Please click on the links to see their work.


Marcel’s Fact File on the Polar Bear


Emil’s Fact File on the Narwhal


Primary 1A – Mrs Arqued’s Class

Primary 1A were responding to the fact that it was Mental Health Awareness Week. They spent time on breathing exercises and balance movements. They had help from Mrs Arqued and a poster of Indian yoga positions. The children made a good job of replicating these poses and practising controlling their breathing.

Yoga & Breathing

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Mrs Arqued’s pupils also studied Plants & Living Things alongside seasons in their science project.

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The last task for sharing with us is a writing task.The pupils were asked to think about sign posts or signage. The children were asked to design their own signage for their homes. This could indicate specific rooms like kitchen and bathroom as well as their own room! You will see that lots of different media were used to make the signs.Ou

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Our third contribution this week is from Primary 6P – Mr Probart’s Class. Again, Mr Probart’s class offered art work, a written piece of work and cakes!

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Majka D also took some photographs for the photography topic. I have converted her photographs into a Google Slides presentation.

Our next class up is Primary 2F – Mr Flanagan’s Class.

First we have a video from a young lady who is looking to snatch Mr Flanagan’s job from him, as she explains about Number Fact Families.

The pupils also worked hard with pasta and other household items to help with their number facts.

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For our next show case, we have Miss Cody’s Primary 3C Class

STORYWRITING: Primary 3C pupils were busy writing stories about aliens. They even took time to think about the adjectives they might use to describe the aliens. So, in no special order, my thanks to Artjoms, Carter and Pijus for submitting their work.

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Miss Cody’s pupils were also looking at energy and they spent some time looking at the energy from wind. This young chap showed the windmill he made…I think he may need stronger wind, though!

Miss Littler’s Primary 4L provided us with a selection of their work.

Symmetry: The class had an attempt at blending maths and art by put some symmetry into art. These are pretty good efforts done free hand. well done to Abigail and Klaudia.

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Miss Littler’s pupils were busy using the Little Lights Project Pack to make Worry Monsters last week. This week they were looking at lighthouses. They used a ‘How to Draw’ video to create their lighthouse drawings. I think they look great!

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It just so happens that our next class is our other Primary 4 class….Primary 4U – Mrs Stephenson’s Class

Mrs Stephenson’s class had a go at the Worry Monsters which eat up your worries.

Matthew sent us some photographs showing us how he made his Worry Monster. He didn’t let me into the secret of what he used to make his Monster but I think it may have been some socks…I wonder if he gave his Monster a name?

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I also received some other Worry Monsters. Franek made the ‘orange’ monster, Daria’s Monster is green and Declan’s is blue.

I think they’ve done really well and I hope that I can have their monsters eat some of my worries.

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I’m dipping down to the younger end of the school, now, to show you the work of Primary 1L – Mrs Lade’s Class.

This week they have stunned me with the wonderful DREAMCATCHERS they made. Just have a look at them!

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Mrs Smith’s Class tried out some really novel art work. Very good for fine motor control.

The boys in Mrs Smith’s class took some paper towels and using coloured pens, they filled the imprinted pattern on the paper towel. These are the efforts, in no special order, of Dylan, Leland and Calvin.

Paper Towel Art

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Calvin was particularly hardworking as he, also, had a go at designing a Riverbank tartan. The instruction was that it had to include the colours on the Riverbank School badge. I think he made a really good job of this and it looks quite Scottish too! I think he met the colours rule.

I have included a school badge for you to compare.

Calvin’s Riverbank Tartan.










Our next showcase is offered by Primary 1C – Miss Coyle’s Class…aided and abetted, as always, by Miss Howarth.

Our young pupils in Primary 1C have been learning Makaton which is a sign language. They enjoyed sharing it with us. I will intersperse the videos with the other items in this showcase of P1C’s work.

Weather Diary – It is what it says it is. The class kept a weather diary; studying the different weather on different days. Some people have strange way of recording the weather….cookies!

Weather Diaries

Our First Makaton Learner

Floating & Sinking: The class carried out some science work looking at floating and sinking. Trying to guess what will float and what will sink can be tricky!














Our next offering from P1C is maths and work carried out on Odd and Even!














Next we have our second Makaton student.

Next we have some more work on science. The children made ice ornaments. They found out about freezing water and also adding things to the water before freezing it.

The States of Water – Freezing!

Some of these are beautiful and look like paperweights!












Some more maths, now. The children were looking at symmetry. Some lovely work carried out in this work, too! It’s amazing to find that some letters are symmetrical…can you believe it?














Now, our third and final Makaton video.

Finaly from Primary 1C we have a lovely piece of work where the children tell us what they have missed most during the lockdown.

We Miss our Friends!

We miss our friends.














Mrs Henderson teaches French throughout the school and has sent me the work carried out on Body Parts.

French Body Parts in P1

The following Google Slides presentation shows work from across the classes.

Primaries 4 – 7 were asked to find out about interesting buildings or monuments in French speaking countries. They were asked to present it back to their peers and teacher.

Sophie P6P

Kata P6N

Emily P7E

Amelia P5M

Sandra from P7M submitted her research as a file. Click on the link below to see her work.

Sandra P7M

Beth from P5B submitted her research as a short video.

Franek and Abigail from P4 sent drawings.

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Finally, Mrs Campbell who teaches RME throughout the school, was impressed by the work of her Primary 1 pupils who were very imaginative in using a variety of media to make Joseph a brand new coat of many colours! She also looked at Wesak Lanterns which are used in the Buddhist religion.

Coats of Many Colours even in Lego!!!!

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Once again, I’m sorry we’re late with last week’s update but that was due to technical difficulties. I will start again tomorrow on Week 9’s work.

Team Riverbank hope everyone is keeping safe and well and a special thank you to all our parents and carers for supporting our pupils during this digital learning time. We know it can be difficult.


Article 3 – The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all things that affect children.

Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health. Governments must work to provide good quality health care …..

Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education.

Article 31 – Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.