P3A Foxtrot to the Music Hall for the RSNO!

P3A visited the Music Hall on Monday 14 March to hear and see the RSNO (Royal Scottish National Orchestra) perform Gaspard’s Foxtrot. The tickets for this event were in high demand and Mrs Arqued was lucky to acquire tickets for the whole class. It is a fantastic experience for our pupils to hear an orchestra as they don’t realise how loud the music is, especially as it is not amplified, electronically, as modern bands and artist do.
Gaspard’s Foxtrot is a musical adaptation of the book by the same name written by Zeb Soames. Zeb can be seen narrating part of the story with the orchestra playing behind him. There were some lovely drawings to go along with the music.
The story tells of Gaspards the Fox’s journey across London, in a bus, to meet his friend, Finty the dog and her owner, Honey, who are going to a concert in Hyde Park.
Mrs Arqued tells me that the children thoroughly enjoyed this event and they thought the RSNO were ‘AMAZING’!
Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality. talents and abilities to the full…..
Article 31 – Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic events…..