Food Dudes Questionnaire for Parents

Our Healthy Eating Initiative with Food Dudes has been running for a term now and Food Dudes are looking for feedback from parents. They’d like to know how you, the parents and carers, feel Food Dudes have impacted on your children. Below is a message from Food Dudes and they would be grateful if some of our parents and carers would take the time to fill in an online questionnaire for them. It should only take a few minutes of your time.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We hope your child is enjoying the Food Dudes experience and is happily munching their way through lots of fruit and vegetables at home.
Food Dudes Health Limited are always looking for ways to improve the delivery of our behaviour change programmes. Collecting feedback from parents is essential to this process.
Please could you take 2 minutes of your time to fill out a simple online questionnaire (10 multiple choice questions ONLY). This can be done on your phone, tablet, iPad or laptop.
We very much look forward to reading your feedback,