Riverbank School’s P1B Win Prize in European Project
“Around the World with a Pencil”
The P1B pupils at Riverbank Primary School took part in an E-twinning programme entitled “Around the World with a Pencil” and were awarded a Quality Label early in May 2015. E-twinning is a European Commission programme, which offers a platform and ICT tools for schools in European countries to collaborate.
Our P1B under the guidance of Miss Karakouloglou collaborated with two schools in Greece, one school having a P1 involved, and the other a P7. The three schools collaborated on an interdisciplinary project. The main focus of the project was Creative Writing. The whole idea was to encourage reading and writing for pleasure. The three schools worked together and produced stories using different tools and techniques.

The hero of the project was a travel-loving pencil called “Cilius” and the children were able to follow his adventures as he travelled around the world. Cilius travelled to a different destination every week and shared what he had seen and learned with the children. These travels ignited a story to be created by the pupils.
The pupils had many opportunities to develop their literacy skills in a fun and creative way. They also practised their rights to an Education that develops every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. These oppeortunities highlighted Articles 28 and 29 of the UNCRC. Finally, they developed their Global Citizenship skills by communicating with the Greek pupils by post and Skype, whilst sharing and co-creating stories with them.
Upon completion of the Project, the E-twinning Team assessed the Project and awarded it with a Quality Label. Achieving this award emphasises P1B, Miss Karakouloglou and Riverbank’s commitment to quality, high levels of good practice and to European collaboration.
The Judges’ comments for the project were: A shining example of using TwinSpace as a forum to display work. Well-structured and clear page layout. Especially like the dual language approach taken.
Stories, comics and videos produced are of excellent standard for age of pupils involved in project. Clear evidence of post-project evaluation.
Quality label submission makes clear that communication, planning and exchange was done primarily through other ways, but the success of this exchange is clear in the quality of finished work that is visible on the TwinSpace.
A big “congratulations” to Riverbank School’s P1B and Miss Karakouloglou.