
Playpark Consultation Groups

Just a few weeks back, I received a phone call from Yvonne McLeod of Aberdeen City Council who asked if we could set up a group of about 20 children of all ages to help in a consultation process regarding a new/refurbishment of the Alexander Drive Playpark.

IMG_0722I was delighted to enlist the help of the Pupil Council as well as a selection of pupils from throughout the school and my goodness, how hard they worked.

Yvonne arrived with Stephen Shaw from Aberdeen City Council and the children were divided into four groups. Each group was shown a possible design for the new playpark and they were asked to comment on the things they liked and the things they disliked about the design they were looking at. Each group wrote on a ‘huge’ sheet of paper what their thoughts were and they took into consideration the ages of the children who may be using the play area. They then moved round, in carousel fashion, until they had seen and commented on all the designs. Whew! We were worn out. There was lots of discussion and the older pupils helped the younger pupils to write down what they thought about the plans and there were some super suggestions for Stephen and Yvonne to take away with them.

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Yvonne and Stephen were very impressed by the work the children carried out and the ideas of Riverbank’s pupils will be taken into consideration along with residents and other groups in the Tillydrone area before a final decision is taken about what the playpark will look like. We all look forward to seeing the final design and, most importantly of all, the finished item which our children can use and enjoy. We’ll keep you posted.


UNCRC – Article 31 – Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

UNCRC – Article 13 – Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.


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