All posts by nurseryam


Welcome to the morning Nursery Blog! We have had such a busy term getting to know each other and taking part in lots of activities. A big thanks to everyone who managed to come along to the Open Morning – it was a lovely day. Here are some of the photographs we took on the day.

Oh The Places You’ll Go…. It’s Graduation Day!

It was Nursery Graduation today and nearly 60 of the children took part in our graduation ceremony in the dining hall today in front of a full house of very proud mums, dads, grandparents, aunties and uncles!

Each of the children received a certificate , a ‘goodie bag’, and wore their own mortar board hats. Halfway through the ceremony the children performed some of their favourite songs.

Even the teachers got a special certificate from Mrs Ironside and Mrs Sunley.

Congratulations, Class of 2015!!



Message from Miss Logan

world 4

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is with a mixture of sadness and excitement that I would like to let you all know I will be relocating to Tanzania in August to teach at Braeburn International School in Arusha. I have been given a wonderful opportunity to go and teach on a continent that I love and, while I am sad to leave Riverbank, I am truly excited to be moving on to this new adventure.

I will be keeping in touch with Riverbank as much as possible to let everyone know how I am getting on, and to find out all the news from Aberdeen. I will also be back to visit during my Christmas break!

It’s hard to believe the year has flown by so quickly! I am so proud of each of the children of Riverbank Nursery and all the amazing progress they have made this year. They have exciting changes coming up, especially those moving on to Primary 1.

Thank you for all your support and contributions over this year. We have had a super busy, fun and productive school year and now it is time for a well-deserved holiday!

I hope you have a wonderful summer!

Thank you again,

Miss Logan

Nursery Sports Day

The children and parents had a fantastic time today taking part in our Sports Day!

The children ran in their Rainbow Groups in relay races:

  • The ‘Make a Face Race’ where they had to make a face using the sports equipment.
  • The ‘Tattie and Spoon Race’
  • And the soggy ‘Jack and Jill Bucket Race’

They then ran in individual flat races and even the parents got involved in the very competitive parents race!

Afterwards we all had a lovely picnic in the sunshine. Thank you to everyone for taking part and making it a great day!

Fruity Fun!

What a fun, fruity day we had in Nursery!

We read and acted out the story of Handa’s Surprise before spending our snacktime making delicious smoothies!!

Have a look at the fun we had…

Are you a parent of a 3 or 4 year old in Scotland? (Scottish Government Survey)

The Scottish Government has proposed to increase the provision of free childcare to 1140 hours per year for children who are 3 or 4 years old, as well as for vulnerable 2 year olds who are eligible for the 600 hours free entitlement through the Children & Young People’s Act 2014.

With this in mind we are conducting a survey exploring how parents would wish to use this increase. The results of this survey will help guide policy on early years child care provision. In order for the survey to produce representative results it is important that we reach as many parents of 3 or 4 year old children from as wide a variety of back grounds as possible, this includes those who do not currently use free child-care provision.

The survey is available at the following link:

Walks to the Botanic Gardens

We are lucky to be within walking distance of Cruikshank Botanic Gardens. For the rest of the term the children will be taking turns to walk down to the gardens to search for minibeasts, study the different plants, and to play in the beautiful arboretum.

This week’s group saw a grey squirrel, snails, lots of minibeasts, discovered the different shapes of the leaves, and enjoyed a picnic!

Have a look at some of our adventures in the gardens…

In order for the children to be able to take these valuable trips to the gardens, we need a minimum of 3 parent helpers each week. If we do not have enough helpers, the walks can’t happen. If you are able to help, please speak with a  member of the nursery team! 

Butterfly Release Day!

The children have watched them grow from tiny caterpillars to big caterpillars.

Then they watched in fascination as they went into their cocoons.

The excitement at watching them emerge as beautiful butterflies was wonderful to see.

And finally… today was a perfect day to let our beautiful butterflies fly free!


We have butterflies!!

We have had some beautiful moments in Riverbank Nursery over the past few days with our butterflies emerging from their cocoons. The children have watched in fascination as our transformed little visitors have been fluttering around the nets, eating nectar from the oranges and flowers left in the nets, and spreading their wings.

We will be releasing them out into the garden on the next sunny day and we can’t wait to see our butterflies fly free!