Category Archives: News

Easter Fancy Dress Event

We had a superb time in nursery today – celebrating Easter!!!

We came dressed up to raise money for children in Kamuli. We had lots of Easter activities, including baking cupcakes (they were delicious)!!!

We went around the school for an Easter Egg Hunt too.

At the end all of us received a chocolate Easter Egg to take home .


What a fab day!!! Have a look at the pictures…

Gym time!

This term we have been lucky enough to have some time in the gym hall with Mrs MacGregor. The children have been enjoying learning to move their bodies in different ways and have been having a great time in the process. Have a look at our photos!

Nursery Christmas Sing-a along

Thank you to everyone who managed to come along to our Nursery Christmas Sing-a-long last week. It was really great for us all to enjoy a little festive cheer together! The children were delighted to have family members joining in with their songs. Now you will be able to sing them at home as well!

Christmas Tree

Unfortunately, due to poor road conditions, we were unable to go on our trip to Tyrebagger Forest. This was disappointing for us all but luckily help was on hand so we were still able to get a Christmas tree.  Miss Walker’s dad, Bill, was kind enough to go and pick it up from the forest and bring it into school. Here are some photos to show you how we got on! Thanks very much Bill.


Sponsored Walk Total Raised

Welcome back to everyone after the October break. I am very pleased to say that the total raised from our Sponsored Walk was the huge sum of £1075.25 ! A big thank you to everyone who took part in the walk and those who supported and sponsored the participants. Well done to all involved!

Sponsored Walk

Well done to all the children who took part in the Sponsored Walk yesterday! They did really well and everyone managed to complete the 4 laps of the playground (1mile) that we were aiming for. A big thank you also to everyone who supported the children and sponsored them to take part. So far we have raised over £250 and hopefully there will still be some more money still to come in. I will keep you posted!  We took lots of photos so have a look and see how the children got on.

Nursery Open Day

Just a quick reminder to everyone that we are having our Nursery Open Day tomorrow – Wednesday 4th October. This is an opportunity for you to drop in to Nursery between the hours of 9.30am – 11am to see what’s happening! You can have a look around and perhaps take part in an activity with your child. We are looking forward to seeing everyone who can manage to give us a visit. Watch this space for photographs of the event – you might see someone you know!

The Nursery Team

Graduations 2017

Thank you to everyone who took part in yesterday’s  Nursery Graduation Ceremonies. The children did so well and we are very proud to have been part of their journey to Primary 1.  We would also like to give a special thank you to the Parent Council who gave a generous donation towards the cost of the Graduations. We wish the children all the best for next session and look forward to hearing about their continued progress. Have a great holiday!

From The Nursery Team

Nursery Sports Day

Thanks to everyone who managed to come along and join us on Sports Day last week. We were able to go ahead in the morning but unfortunately the afternoon event has had to be postponed. Luckily the morning class had a great time! Have look at our photos of the event.