
Primary 1B has Engineers in the Making!

Primary 1B took part in the Scottish Engineering Leadership Award earlier in the year. They were challenged to learn about engineering and given the question “If you were an engineer in Scotland, what would you do?”

The children came up with their own inventions and created detailed designs of them, as well as this they also had to write a pitch letter to explain why their design should be the winner. They worked brilliantly and were very proud of their designs. Although no one won the big prize, two children’s designs were chosen to be displayed in Glasgow this weekend, Kayla and Julian are very proud that their designs will be on display and that the judges liked them.

Julian designed a robotic policeman and Kayla designed a self cleaning tissue which would not allow the spreading of germs. What great ideas from Primary 1s. Thanks to Miss Miller for providing all the good news!


If you are in Glasgow this weekend and wish to go along and see some of the fantastic entries from around Scotland then follow this link  The exhibit is free and is open 9.30-4.30 Saturday 3rd June and 10-4pm Sunday 4th June all you need to do is register your interest.




Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education….

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