Riverbank Pick Up A CYPS Award With Some Help From Our Friends
It was a long day at the office er, sorry at school on Wednesday 27 September. It was along day for some of the staff but also for two of our pupils.
Wednesday evening of the 27th September was a big occasion for children and those who work with children in Aberdeen. The Children and Young People’s Services Awards presentations were held that evening at the City’s Beach Ballroom.

Riverbank had been nominated and shortlisted along with RADS or the Russell Anderson Development School. We, and I use the Royal we, were nominated for the excellent work on health and well being which is provided, in partnership, with Rads. You may have heard your children talking about ‘doing football’ with Rob. Rob is the main contact at Riverbank for Rads. Rob is not a one man band, however, as there are several young coaches who come into Riverbank to support Rob and the pupils in their work. Although much of the activity centres round football, there is an emphasis on self-confidence, resilience and being the best you can be. The work carried out has had positive effects at PE and across all curricular areas. The coaches are all excellent role models for the pupils but Rob has become a real part of the Riverbank community and a highly valued member of the staff.
The nomination said, “Rads has worked with Riverbank School to promote and develop Health and Wellbeing through the sport of football. This initiative has included having the children look at healthy eating and being the best they can be as well as developing their footballing skills. The coaches have become part of team Riverbank and are excellent role models for the children, using positive coaching techniques with appropriate use of praise and encouragement, which has seen the children’s self-confidence, self-esteem, resilience and perseverance improve, not just in sporting activities but across the whole curriculum!”
The Health and Wellbeing Award is one of the ‘big’ awards at CYPSA and we were shortlisted alongside a project from Harlaw Academy. About two and a half hours after settling down for the evening, complete with entertainment from schools around the city as well as some amazing magicians and a rather tasty buffet, it was our turn! We were joined for the evening by Rob, Graeme and Russell from Rads, along with members of the management team and two pupils. Everyone of us was on the edge of our seat as the nominations were read and then the golden envelope was opened and the famoos words, “…and the winner is……….Riverbank School and the Russell Anderson Development School!” One of our young people gave out a loud cheer and knocked her chair over in the rush to get to the stage to receive the award. It took Russell Anderson all he could do to keep up!
We are all so proud of the achievements of the school.
Article 24 – Every child has the right to the best possible health…..
Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full….